Impacto econômico da Obesidade Mundial projeção de 2020 a 2060, com estimativa para 161 países

This document has been written jointly by staff at the World Obesity Federation and RTI International based on the publication:
Okunogbe A, Nugent R, Spencer G, Powis J, Ralston J, Wilding J. Economic impacts of overweight and obesity: current and future estimates for 161 countries. BMJ Global Health 2022 (in press).

Obesity-related ill-health accounted for over 5.0 million deaths globally in 2019, with more than half of these deaths occurring among people under 70 years old.2 The rise in obesity prevalence has both health and economic consequences but the latter have not been explored greatly at a global level. A better understanding of the economic consequences of overweight and obesity should help strengthen the case for action.

To build the evidence, RTI International and the World Obesity Federation have estimated the likely economic impact of overweight and obesity over the next 40 years across 161 countries (covering around 97% of the world’s population). The results are summarised in the present publication.

The evidence presented here greatly extends the data from the analysis of eight countries published in 2021 by the World Obesity Federation (see The Economic Impact of Overweight and Obesity in Eight Countries: Summary Report). The current report is based on data published in 2022 by Okunogbe et al. in BMJ Global Health.

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